


The same brown eyes, still beautiful and bright. Pitted against age, the same eyes I’ve always known, stare back at me.

And I fall in love all over again with this beautiful soul, this body, I call mom.

Her body is withered and small, she lays in bed, her limbs all limp and frail, ready for her final trip. I cannot help but notice her small frame, the warmth about it that keeps it ever beautiful, glowing.

There is no greed, no sin inside of her, only peace. She is pure innocence and light.

I feel the heavens open above her and embrace her. The angels all make haste to prepare. Today there will party in heaven, a great welcoming, so many, many souls await her. Souls whose lives she touched on Earth, people whose hearts she changed, so many are coming, there is so much light.

Even when night falls upon us in this house, the light is felt and seen. There is so much love, it is tangible.

There are no words of regret, no sadness, only love.

But I have seen, with my own eyes a life full of pain, of suffering, and yet not one complaint comes forth.

She is grateful for it all. Humble and full of compassion and grace, there is not one person that enters our home, that does not feel this.

There are doctors, and nurses, caregivers and aides that frequent our home now, chaplains of every denomination, Jewish and Christian, Buddhist and Islamic, they all say the same, there is so much love here.

People from all walks of life, of all colors, creeds and religions, are her friends, rich and poor alike, bow at her feet.

Her presence is tangible, even at a distance, it is so. She is a gift, that God have given us, all whose lives she’s touched, and I am so grateful for her, for the peace and love, and the grace she has shown me all the years of my life. And I know she belongs to the world, to those that she loves, not just me, but it is hard to grasp, to fathom and yet I know, and I set her free.